Malankara Syrian Catholic Church

Eparchy of St. John Chrysostom, Gurgaon-Delhi



First Bishop of Tiruvalla

Yakob (Jacob) was born on 21 February 1891 at Olasha in Kottayam as the first son of Abraham Tharakan and Achama of Kulapurackalveedu. After primary education from a nearby school, he completed matriculation from MD High School, Kottayam, where he later became a teacher.  He longed to lead a life of priesthood by his own religious tradition and by the inspiration of MA Achan (Fr. Geevarghese Panikerveettil, later Archbishop Mar Ivanios) who was the then Principal of the MD High School.  He received his sacred order of the Diconate from Metropolitan Vattasseril Mar Divannasios.  MA Achan took his beloved Sishyan (student) Deacon Yakob to Serampoor when he took up assignment as Professor of the University. 

He stood with Archbishop Mar Ivanios in the founding of Bethany Ashram and later in embracing the Catholic Communion through the Re-union Movement.  One of the first members of the Bethany Congregation was Fr. Yakob.  He was the Guru (Master) of the Novices. He was ordained priest in 1924 and was elected and ordained Bishop after the name Yakob Mar Theophilos.

Mar Theophilos gave full support to Mar Ivanios in all his pioneering endevours especially of the Reunion Movement. Though other Bishops backtracked from the decision of the Synod of Parumala held in 1926, Mar Theophilos endorsed it with full conviction and commitment. Thus he became one among the first five members of the Re-union Movement. When the Syro-Malankara Catholic Hierarchy was established in 1932, he was appointed the first Metropolitan of Tiruvalla. His Aramana (Bishop’s residence) was a small two storied building named Cherupushpagiri, situated in the place where now stands the Pushpagiri Medical College. In 1933 he visited Rome and paid his respects to Pope Pius XI. He blessed the new Bishop’s house on 24 November 1934.  He laid a strong foundation to the Eparchy of Tiruvalla. Many churches, schools and the St. Joseph’s press were opened by him. With the mission to spread the faith and to strengthen the Re-union Movement, he formed a group named “Sakshyasangam” (Group of Witnesses). Due to ill health, he handed over the administration of the Eparchy to Mar Severios and took rest. He was called to his eternal rest on 27 June 1956 at the age of 65.  His mortal remains are entombed in St. John’s Cathedral, Tiruvalla.

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