Malankara Syrian Catholic Church

Eparchy of St. John Chrysostom, Gurgaon-Delhi

Bp. Thomas Mar Anthonios OIC

H.E. Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Mar Anthonios OIC

His Excellency Most Rev. Thomas Mar Anthonios OIC was born on 14 February 1955 at Adoor in the District of Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India. His parents are C. Koshy and Kunjamma. After his schooling at Adoor and Kattanam. He joined the Order of the Imitation of Christ (OIC) or Bethany Ashram and made his First Profession in the year 1974. He had his priestly formation at Bethany Ashram Pune and took the bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy and Theology from the Jnanadeepa Vidyapeeth, Pune.

He was ordained as a priest on 27 December 1980 by Most Rev. Cyril Mar Baselios, at Mar Ivanios Nagar, Kottayam, the venue of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Reunion Movement initiated by the Servant of God Archbishop Mar Ivanios.

He completed his graduation from the University of Kerala. From the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome he took his Doctorate in Oriental Canon Law. After ordination, he held the following positions: Superior of various convents; Director of a school in Kottayam; Master of postulants; Treasurer; Chaplain and parish priest; Professor in Trivandrum ‘s St. Mary’s Malankara Major Seminary and other Major Seminaries; He was engaged in the ministry of the Bethany Ashram in various offices such as Master of Pre-Philosophers, Master of Pre-Novices, Procurator and Rector of Bethany Ashram Pune. He was the Director of Bethany Vedvijnana Peeth, Institute of Oriental Theology Pune. He served the Congregation as a member of the General Council for two consecutive terms.

His pastoral activities in the Church were primarily in the field of the organization of the Malankara Syrian Catholic Church in the Extraterritorial Regions in India, especially in Pune. He also served the Archieparchy of Tiruvalla as its Judicial Vicar.

He was also the Postulator of the Cause of Canonization of the Venerable Archbishop Mar Ivanios and the Chancellor of the Major Archiepiscopal Curia. Besides Malayalam and English, he speaks Hindi, German and Italian and knows Syriac.

He was appointed the Curia Bishop of the Major Archepiscopal Curia on 25 January 2010. He was ordained Curia bishop on 13 March 2010. On March 26, 2015, Pope Francis appointed him as the first bishop of the newly established Exarchate of Khadki, near Pune in western India and gave the leadership to the eparchy until March 2022 as its bishop and until September 2023 as its Major Archiepiscopal Administrator. On 5 May 2022 he was appointed the second Bishop of the Eparchy of St. Chrysostom, Gurgaon-Delhi.

Contact Information
Phone Number   : +91 8275972181
Whatsapp : +91 9447020537
Email :
Religious Formation
Joined Bethany Ashram : 01 June 1971
Novitiate : 01 June 1972 - 15 January 1974
First Profession : 15 January 1974
Renewal of Vows : 14 January 1975
Final Profession : 09 December 1980
Priestly Ordination
Date : 27 December 1980
Place : Mar Ivanios Nagar, Kottayam 
Ordained by : Most Rev. Cyril Mar Baselios
Episcopal Ordination
Appointment as Curia Bishop : 25 January 2010
Bishop of the Major Archieparchial Curia : 13 March 2010 
Appointment as the Apostolic Exarch : 26 March 2015 
Apostolic Exarch of St Ephrem Khadki : 30 May 2015 
Appointment as the Eparchial Bishop : 23 November 2019 
Bishop of St Ephrem Khadki   : 14 January 2019
Bishop of St. Chrysostom, Gurgaon : 30 June 2022
Patron & Feast Day   : St. Antony of Egypt, 17 January

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